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Rymuran Campaign Rules

These are rules we will start campaigns with as I believe they provide a more challenging and engaging experience.
If a rule ends up not working, not being fun, or the group votes to use 5e RAW, we will edit or drop that rule.


Spell, Scroll, and Construct Creation

Disregard the 5e RAW for spell, scroll, and construct creation. These can be achieved through explanation and experimentation narratively in game. Ask the DM for more information.


You no longer need to attune to magical items. In addition, there are no limits on the number of magical items you can have and use unless it's physically impossible to utilize them simultaneously (i.e.: two sets of boots) or restricted in the item description.

Changes to Dispel Magic

Dispel Magic also be cast as a Ritual with an hour, or more, preparation time. It can also target magical items in addition to spell effects.

If targeting a magical item, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 15 + the relative power level of the item (DM discretion). On a successful check the magical item breaks. On a failure, if ritual cast, that character cannot try again until after a Long Rest.

Using Spell Scrolls

Any creature can use a spell scroll, but the difficulty is determined by your knowledge of magic.

Spell Casters:

If your class, or sub-class, has spellcasting abilities, and the spell on the scroll is known by your character, no roll is required.

If the scroll is in your classes list, but is of a higher spell level than you can currently cast, or you haven't learned that particular spell, an Arcana Check is required: the DC is 10 plus the spell level of the scroll, if you are proficient in Arcana, make the roll with Advantage. On a success the spell goes off as normal. On a failure the spell fizzles, and the scroll disintegrates.

If the spell on the scroll is not in your class spell list (a wizard trying to cast cure wounds for example) follow the rule for 'Non-Spell Casters' below.

Non-Spell Casters:

If your class is not a spellcaster an Arcana check will be required to use spell scrolls: The DC is 10 plus the spell level of the scroll. If you are proficient in Arcana, make the roll with Advantage. On a success the spell goes off as normal. On a failure, the magical energies backfire, the scroll disintegrates, and you take a number of d6’s worth of psychic damage per level of the spell scroll (a level 3 spell scroll that backfires will deal 3d6 damage to the reader).

Divine Intervention

Beseeching a God:

Any character may cry out to a god for help in dire circumstances. Depending on your standing with that god, he or she could decide to grant you aid.

Whether you are a follower of that god, that god’s motives, and the way in which you call for aid all help determine if the god will take pity on you or not. A rousing speech promising servitude and favor will always make a god more willing to act versus demands for help.

Aid can come in many forms: A champion to aid you in battle, healing, information, or a magic item are just some of the ways a god may choose to help.



All characters gain the Charger Feat:

After expending all base movement and using your Action to Dash at least 20ft in a straight line towards an enemy, you can make one melee weapon attack or attempt to shove a creature, you give up all remaining movement after the attack. Choose one of the following effects: gain +3 to the attack's roll, gain a +1d10 bonus to the attack’s damage roll, or push the target up to 10 feet, provided the target you want to push is no more than one Size larger than you.


There is a penalty of -2 to hit when using ranged weapons in Moderate or Severe weather.

Spears and Javelins now have the finesse tag.

Special ammo is available for purchase or craft, must be tracking ammo to utilize (see purchasables list).

Want to use a weapon that is not in the Adventuring Gear list? Work with me to create an exotic/non-standard weapon that is the right fit for your character (see 'War Sling' in purchasables list)!

Critical Hits

When scoring a critical hit, the first damage die is always maxed. For example: a great sword crits for 12+1d12+modifier.


You may delay your turn in combat, voluntarily dropping lower in the turn order.

Choose another character, or creature, in the turn order that has rolled a lower initiative than your character, after the chosen character, or creature, has completed their turn, you may take yours. This is your new position in the turn order.

Back Attack

Back attack on opponent = +2 to hit and ignore shield AC.

Ranged or Melee, if your character is situated reasonably behind the opponent, you gain a +2 bonus to hit, and you ignore the targets shield AC bonus (if applicable). If you are the opponent’s target, you are not able to move around to the back as the opponent would turn with you.


Drinking a potion is an Action if you have to retrieve it from your pack. It is a Bonus Action if it's on your person (or easily accessible). Feeding a potion to another player, or NPC, is an Action.

Silvered, Consecrated, and Unholy Weapons

All Undead creatures are vulnerable to silvered weapons.

All Fiend creatures are vulnerable to consecrated weapons.

All Celestial creatures are vulnerable to unholy weapons.

Consecrated and Unholy weapons are gained through story and role playing.

Healing and Rest


Full Rest

A full rest is 3 days of light activity/inactivity, it is used when you have had a grueling stretch of days and need to give your body and mind time to fully recover. At the end of the third day your character...

  • Hit Points are maxed.
  • Recovers half of all missing Hit Dice.
  • Accumulated System Strain reduces by 10.
  • Loses the Frail condition (if applied).

Long Rest

A Long Rest is used to sleep and recover from the perils of the day (about 8 hours). Players can only benefit from 1 Long Rest in a 24-hour period.

During a Long Rest, PCs may use up to a number of Hit Dice equal to half their level (rounded up).

At the end of a Long Rest, your character...

  • Recovers 1 Hit Dice.
  • Accumulated System Strain reduces by 1.
  • Recovers Hit Points equal to their Level+CON modifier (minimum 1), provided they are not Frail.

Short Rest

A Short Rest is used for catching your breath and quickly bandaging any wounds (about 1 hour).

  • At the end of a Short Rest your character can spend 1 Hit Dice.


During a Long Rest, a character in possession of, and proficient in, a Medicine or Herbalism Kit may tend up to a number of characters (including themselves) equal to their Proficiency Bonus.

  • At the end of the Long Rest, each tended character regains Hit Points equal to their CON modifier (minimum 1), and their Accumulated System Strain is reduced by 1.

If a player expends a use of a Healing Kit during a Long, or Short, Rest that player (or another player they choose) can spend 1 additional Hit Dice if available.

A character can only benefit from these bonuses once per Short or Long Rest.

System Strain

This is an optional rule. If you elect to follow this rule you gain the 'Durable' Feat.

System Strain is a measure of how much stress the character's body is under, and to what degree it has been taxed by magical energies, hunger, privation, and forced healing.

  • A character's maximum System Strain is equal to their Constitution Score. Thus, a character with a Constitution Score of 13 could accumulate up to 13 points of System Strain before suffering adverse effects.
  • Most forms of healing, and certain other magical powers, add to a character's System Strain.
  • System Strain is usually lost by resting.
  • Non-natural (magical and potion) healing often adds to a target's System Strain. If a character is at, or over, their maximum System Strain, their body cannot handle the additional stresses and receives no benefit from the attempted healing.

Accumulation Examples (non-exhaustive)Reduction Examples (non-exhaustive)
Potions (including Healing): +1Long Rest: -1
Fall Damage per 10pts: +1Treatment during a Long Rest: -1
Healing Magic: +1Full Rest: -10
Exhaution Gain per level: +1Hearty meal: -1
Unconsciousness (0HP): +5Proper Prayer: -1
Death and Ressurection: +10Sleeping in a safe and comfortable place: -1


This is an optional rule. If you elect to follow this rule you gain the 'Tough' Feat.

When a character gets knocked unconscious due to reaching 0 HP, after regaining health they are considered Frail.

  • Frail PCs cannot heal damage through natural healing, and failed Death Saving throws are permanent until the condition is removed.
  • A physician, healer, dog leech or PC proficient in Medicine, can try to remove the Frail condition with an hour's work and a skill check against DC15. They only get one chance to remove a given Frailty.
  • The Frail condition is also removed after completion of a successful Full Rest.

Traveling and Encumbrance


When using these rules, ignore the Strength column of the Armor table.
Your base carry weight is 5 times your Strength score + 30.

Strength Score02468101214161820
Heavily Encumbered020406080100120140160180200
Over Encumbered0306090120150180210240270300

If carrying more than 5x(Strength score + 30) you are encumbered: Your base walking speed is 20.

If carrying more than 10x(Strength score) you are heavily encumbered: Your Saving throws, ability checks, and attack rolls that use Strength or Dexterity are made with disadvantage.

If carrying more than 15x(Strength score) you are over-encumbered: your speed is 0, and all saving throws, ability checks, and attack rolls that use Constitution, Strength, or Dexterity automatically fail.


Applicable if Hex based travel is not being used.

Travel Pace assumes an 8 hour day on non-rough terrain:

On Foot = 3d10+6 miles (Low = 9, Avg = 22.5, High = 36)
On Horseback = 4d12+6 miles (Low=10, Avg = 30, High = 54)
Cart and Horse = 4d10+4 miles (Low = 8, Avg = 26, High = 44)

Speed Modifiers:

Traveling over Difficult Terrain (Total distance x.5)
Sneaking or Searching for something during travel (Total distance x.5)
Regular Pace (Total distance x1)
Pushing to the point of exhaustion (Total distance x1.5 (x2 for horses) gain 1 level of Exhaustion)

Weather Modifiers:

Calm or Light Weather (Total distance x1)
Moderate Weather (Total distance x.7)
Severe Weather (Total distance x.5)

Hypothetical Extreme totals:

On foot, sneaking, in severe weather, up a mountain (1 miles)
On Horseback, pushing to the point of exhaustion (108 miles).